
Jesus Reassures Us of Peace

A pair of hands held open, pinky to pinky with the globe imposed on them. Behind the hands is a light blue sky filled with white clouds. Doves are flying all around. The words on the image say, "...take heart; I have overcome the world." ~ Jesus, John 16:33 which illustrates that Jesus reassures us of peace.
Photo by Beeda Speis for Peace In the Stillness blog.

Jesus reassures us of peace many times throughout Scripture (see Philippians 4:7 for instance). It comforts me when I’m feeling anxious and/or overwhelmed. I especially love what Jesus says in John 16:33 (see below).

Today, I decided to dig deeper and there is so much here to unpack. The short version is that Jesus wants us to have peace in the world; the peace that comes from Him, from knowing Him, trusting Him, and putting our hope in Him. (I’ll share more about this throughout the week.) Jesus reassures us of peace so many times because He wants to emphasize how important it is that we know and rest in this, in His peace.

Reading different commentary it seems that tribulation in this context refers to the persecution of believers because they’re Christ-followers. In other places in the Bible, tribulation can mean everyday trials (such as in Romans 8:35). Because we don’t face persecution in the same way as believers in other countries, I see tribulation as the constant battle we face in spiritual warfare.

Whenever I’m being “good” (remember, none are good, see Romans 3:10-12) about my intentions for focused time with God, diving deep into Scripture, doing the specific things God has called me to do during the day, it seems like Satan shows up and starts in with busyness and emotions and other distractions that siphon my intentions away from God. Just recently, I started wondering if all of those instances are Satan, or are some of them testing from God? Then, I wonder, am I flunking out?

An Unasked Question Answered:

As usual, God answers me even when I don’t ask Him these questions directly. Yesterday He led me to an article by Shadia Hrichi. I hope you take a couple of minutes to read it. “Devil and Temptation”

Be assured of the peace found in Jesus.

Bible Verse of the Day:

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 ESV


Join me this week in praying with thanksgiving for God’s love and mercy. Pray that Christians all over the world focus on God alone and in so doing find that peace that only comes from a relationship with Jesus. Pray that peace shines through like a beacon in the storm for others to see and desire to have for themselves. Pray to be that light for Christ to the world.