
Pray for the Brokenhearted

A photo of a broken heart-shaped sugar cookie with the word "love" on it, and a dried up rose. The words, "Pray for the brokenhearted".
by Beeda Speis for Peace In the Stillness

My first husband passed away on Valentine’s Day, 2011. We never celebrated Valentine’s Day the entire time we were married. He said it was a holiday invented by Hallmark, flower shops, and candy companies and he wasn’t going to buy into it. I got used to his stance and even now don’t put much stock in the day. However, I do have a tradition of sharing a blog post every year entitled, “What’s the Cost?”

Focus on the brokenhearted

As you can imagine, I tend to focus more on the people who don’t have a significant other on Valentine’s Day, or on those who have one but don’t love one another. I want to pray for the brokenhearted and focus our attention on them. They’re the ones who need a day to celebrate where they’re at relationship-wise. How about sending cards and messages of love to widows and widowers? Favorite relatives? Best friends? Neighbors? Send flowers. Send candy. Let people know that they are loved. Not just one day a year, but any day; better yet, every day.

I know that’s not practical, but you get the picture. We need to show love every day and we need to show it to people we may not always think of. God loves us always. He shows us His love every single day. My heart especially breaks for non-believers who have isolated themselves not only from God but from the world.

Bible Verse of the Day

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:3-4 ESV

Pray for:

Please pray for these brothers and sisters who are going through a rough time with someone they love or who are feeling isolated right now: K., S., J., C., T., L., A. If you know of other people we can be praying for, send me their first initial. Let’s share the love and healing power of Christ Jesus. Pray that the non-believers above will hear the gospel and come to faith.

Special prayer request

A woman has asked that we pray for her son who is dealing with work issues. Please lift him up in prayer. God knows his needs and will help him through this trial in response to our prayers for him. Pray earnestly.


Dearest Father, it breaks my heart to know there are so many who are alone in this world. It’s even more grieving to know many of them don’t have a personal relationship with You; so they live without hope. Please, Lord, speak to their hearts. Open their minds to be receptive to hearing the gospel. Choose them to draw near to You. Father, I also pray that You heal the broken relationships of our friends listed above. Mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, sons and fathers, siblings–the people who are supposed to love unconditionally are allowing the enemy to whisper falsehoods, deceptions into their minds and hearts. Please open their eyes, Lord. Fill their hearts with forgiveness, understanding, and love. Open channels of communication for healing and restore what once was. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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