
Obey Your Parents

A photo of a small nightstand alarm clock in front of a blurred family photo with the words from Colossians 3:20 ESV, "Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord." 
by Beeda Speis for Peace in the Stillness

Some of the people we’re praying for are adult children. Even in their twenties or thirties, they’re still rebelling against their folks for control of their lives. They don’t want to feel like they have to obey their parents.

However, the parents aren’t trying to control them. The parents just want to be a part of their lives and to help them get back on their feet. Some of these “children” are living on the streets, addicted to drugs and/or alcohol. They’ve distanced themselves from friends, relatives, and God.

Others have just pushed their parents away because they don’t want to have Christianity “pushed” on them. Even if the parents don’t say anything, the conviction is causing an internal struggle and so they just want to avoid their parents in order to avoid the conflict within them.

I’m sure there are a dozen other reasons. Our children begin protesting our authority as early as two. Thus, the “terrible two’s.” The battle begins as soon as they learn the word, “no.”

Keep praying. God hears us.

Pray for the Rebellious

This week we’re praying for those whose rebellious acts are hurting themselves and/or others. Those who are rebelling against their parents, teachers, anyone in authority, especially against God. This includes those who are refusing God’s free gift of salvation.

Please keep these people in your prayers: J.H., B.W., L.R., N., K.D., W.Y., T.Y., E.Y., D.E., K.H., B.Z., S.H., W.K., J.L., C.D., L.F., K., A., J.G (for her heart to soften)

Bible Verse of the Day

Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.
Colossians 3:20 ESV


Father, we come to You in prayer for the people listed above. They’re in rebellion for various reasons and against various people, perhaps even against You. Father, please show them their rebellion that they may realize what they’re doing and saying; how it’s hurting themselves or the people who love them. Father, please place a burden on their heart to seek You and to seek change. Guide them to repair broken fences, Lord. Allow the healing to begin.
Lord, we humbly ask that You end the war in Ukraine. Please protect and comfort and encourage the citizens there. Please talk to the world leaders, Lord and guide them as to what they should do. Protect the countries wanting to now join NATO that they aren’t then invaded.
Father, please work in the hearts and minds of the people of Morocco during this month of Ramadan. Send missionaries and other believers to boldly share their faith. May the country become saturated with Christians. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.