
The New Bug in Town

Cover of "The New Bug in Town" - a children's book written by Brandi Smeltzer and illustrated by Emily Zieroth.
Book review by Beeda Speis for Peace in the Stillness blog

The Book:

The New Bug in Town by Brandi Smeltzer, Illustrated by Emily Zieroth

Inside Back Cover Description:

Life was comfortable in Larvadale…until the new bug moved to town.

The New Bug in Town illustrates the danger in judging others by their appearances and encourages children to welcome each other’s differences while they learn something new about the insect world.

The velvet ant, also known by her scientific name Dasymutilla occidentalis, inhabits the United States as far west as Texas. She is most commonly seen in clover fields, meadows, and forest edges. She may even be in your own backyard!

Beeda’s Book Review:

This wonderful children’s story teaches many valuable lessons. I especially loved the theme of how making assumptions about people (or in this case, bugs) based on their appearance is wrong and usually results in gossip, lies, and hurt feelings.

I thoroughly enjoyed the story. The illustrations were fantastic and creative (note what their houses are made of, and Cow Killer’s lap desk). To top it off, the book ends with information and fun facts about the main character’s species.

I highly recommend this book for children of all ages, and there are actually several adults who could stand to read it and learn from the lessons presented.

About the Author:

From Brandi’s Author Page on Amazon: “Brandi is a former middle school language arts teacher who left public education to homeschool her three children. She discovered her love for writing during a school poetry assignment when she was thirteen years old. After convincing her teacher that her poem was indeed her own original work, Brandi knew she would have a future in writing.” Continue reading (and follow her) by clicking here.

Purchase and Follow:

You can purchase this fantastic book on Amazon. Follow Brandi on Instagram and visit her Linktree page.

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