
Our Upcoming Journey

Brainstorming What's in Store for 2024

It's a God-thing

God has given me so many great ideas that I don’t know where to begin. However, I do know that I’d love for you to join me on the expedition. To do that, I’ll need your email address so we can keep in touch. Not only will you be the first to know about every stepping stone, but you’ll get exclusive content and freebies.

By subscribing below, you’ll receive 5 prayers and Bible verses for peace. Tomorrow you’ll receive the chronological read-the-bible-in-a-year reading plan.

Ideas: To foster prayer, Scripture, meditation, and community, I’ll begin making videos again, offer Bible study classes, and start groups apart from social media. 

This is just the beginning.

I promise not to fill your inbox with spam, nor will I email you more often than the timeframe you choose.