
The Love of a True Shepherd

The analogy of God’s people being sheep and Jesus being the Good Shepherd is reiterated throughout the Bible and is one that holds great meaning to me.

The first time I attended Missions College, the keynote speaker spoke of the sheep and the Shepherd. He emphasized that the sheep know the shepherd’s voice. It weighed heavily on me. Did I know His voice? Had I been listening to my own selfish, prideful voice and telling myself it was God? I spent a lot of time with Him that evening, meditating, talking, praying, journaling. In the end, I realized that it was me, not God, whom I had been listening to.

Long story short, from that day forth, I became more focused on God, asking Him for guidance, desiring to follow Him, being obedient in serving Him. I’m far from achieving all of this, but it’s an improvement to how I’ve lived in the past.

Last Sunday’s sermon was titled “The Love of a True Shepherd,” and focused on Mark 6:30-44.

And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many things.

Mark 6:34 NKJV

Ezekiel 34 is all about the shepherds and the sheep. The irresponsible shepherds were the political, civic, and spiritual leaders of the time and they were more intent on their own needs than those of the flock under their care.

A real shepherd, a true one will leave the flock to go in search of the one that strayed (Matthew 18:12). I know this to be true because there was a period in my life that I strayed. He searched me out, found me, and brought me back into the fold. It was truly an amazing blessing.

Message #3 Sheep need the Good Shepherd

Father, we come to You today with thankfulness that the Good Shepherd keeps us in His care. We know how it feels to be safe within the sheepfold, guarded from the wolves of the world that would tear us away from our Shepherd’s loving and compassionate care. Father, we ask that the Good Shepherd bring our loved ones into the fold so we can share this amazing grace, this free gift of salvation with them. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.